sarah and i have the priveledge of having a south asian family. we have met with them 3 times and already they feel like home, (yes, they). they welcome us, love us, barter for us, watch over us in the streets. the brother who is now in charge of the family since the father died is like our big brother. he was our protector today as we experienced the real south asia. he carried our bags and made sure we didn't pay too much for our clothes. our sister, (his real sister), is a gem. she helped us pick out suits. sarah got three ready mades for 900! and i got one to make for 225, (a bit pricey, but i REALLY liked it). also, she helped me at the talor. ok, so this doesn't really even begin to describe how much we love and appreciate this family, but we love them. sadly, they do not know Jesus as the way. pray for their eyes to be opened. pray that we would be bold in sharing. pray that their hearts would melt after this wonder God!!
today, we saw a child who had had an accident. he was pretty well malled on one side and screaming. i wanted to run out of the rickshaw to help him, but big brother wouldn't let me. our family has a family member, a young child (maybe 4?), who is paralyzed on one side, (mostly). he gets real bad headaches. strokes, you say? i would agree. doctors aren't doing anything for him. sarah and i are investigating what we can do for him-you? you can pray for him. pray for healing.
so much is going on. sarah and i had omlettes for dinner (yum!). it was nice to have a day with out farmer d, although we love and apprecite him. today was amazing to see the faithfulness of the Almighty in and through every step, (prayed for breeze, breeze came; asked for rest, we rested; prayed for a refreshment, we were offered bani). HE IS WORTHY!